
A Thrifter's Life - What's This World Coming To?

Is it just me, or has the thrifting world gone a little crazy lately? Gone are the $2 blouses and $4 chairs. No way. Now you pay $15 for an u-g-l-y ol' beat up chair that needs sanding, painting, and reupholstering. Now you pay $35 for an off-brand health rider (you've seen the infomercials for the exercise equipment) that is missing pieces, completely rusted all over, and doesn't even work. Now you pay $8 buck-a-roos for a ripped infant dress.

Exhibit A:

Looking for dress-up clothes for my daughter, I spotted this sweet little dress. Darling fabric and color, but $8? Okay, maaaaybe, if it were in pristine condition, but alas 'twas not so. The fabric near the zipper was ripped in the back and would have to be repaired somehow. Plus, there's not a lot of fabric going on here. What you don't see is that this little cutie is an infant dress, and only about another 3 inches long.

Exhibit B:

At first I was drawn to the cute ruffled neckline and layered look, but what's this? Five dollars for a onesie? A used onesie? Gah. This thing has been well-worn and washed a hundred times. I would maybe think about it new...definitely no way used.


So what's the big deal folks? I know it sounds like I might be pinching pennies over here, but aren't we all trying to be more frugal these days, just a little? Again, it's one thing to spend higher prices on brand new items, or used items in excellent condition, but really? Really? Why not just shop holiday sales and get the same prices on brand new stuff? I got a dozen brand new pants and tops for my daughter last month at Wal-mart for $0.50 each! Now that's a bargain!

Exhibit C:

Now here's an interesting item: My darling girl having the time of her life on a Tigger rocking toy. Worth trudging around for an hour not finding any good deals? Priceless, I tell you. Priceless.

On the flip side, I once found a brand new, totally perfect, name brand exercise machine for $8. Whaaaaat?! Yep. I brought that bad boy home with me lickity split! I felt like the woman from that old Ikea commercial running from the store with bags calling out, "Start the car, start the car!"

So, how about you? Ever been totally floored by the prices at a local shop? Good or bad?

P.S. Wish I had photos of the awful chair and riding contraption (bad blogger! bad!). All prices mentioned in this post are totally true and found today at a local thrift store. I heard that some of their locations are changing their prices...some are not. It's rumored to be a test to see if they still move as much inventory if they increase prices. *sigh* Here's hoping next time isn't such a bust. Maybe I'll go check out a different location...