I was introduced to this great quote earlier this week at my Mary Kay meeting (yup, I'm a Pink Lady!) and I just had to make a printable that I could display in my office for inspiration. Then I thought to myself,
"Self, what good is this going to do for anyone else sitting on the hard drive of your laptop?"
SooOo, here ya go! The image displayed is made for an 11x14. If you want a different size, feel free to contact me by leaving a post and I'll resize it for you.
The quote reads:
DID is a word of achievement
WON'T is a word of rebellion
MIGHT is a world of mediocrity
CAN'T is a word of defeat and fear
OUGHT is a word of duty
TRY is a word of little faith
MAYBE is a word of procrastination
WILL is a word of courage
CAN is a word of power and self-determination
DOING is a word of progress and fulfillment
DONE is a word of success
- Gerard Hargraves
P.S. These are large images. Please let me know if you have any troubles downloading them. I'd be happy to email them to you! :)
Linky Linky: